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the results of african research on moringa, artemisia and ravintsara ....COVID Organics CVO

Photo du rédacteur: Olivier ClamaronOlivier Clamaron

Dernière mise à jour : 24 déc. 2024

Publication n° 108


I admire the work carried out by researchers outside the Western world, particularly in Africa and India, and their initiatives since 2019 and 2020 to allow their populations to benefit from their powerful natural pharmacopoeias and their ancestral traditions of well-being. and integrative medicine.

They are showing us a new Way for all of us.

This is the case with the AYUSH policy in India and many African countries have taken a similar direction to the Indian authorities.

For example with the antimalarial programs for many years or with the COVID organics program and the policy put in place by President Rajoelina in Madagascar, which is now extended to countries such as Benin, Senegal, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Tanzania, Congo, Botswana, South Africa, as far as Cameroon and even Ethiopia with very positive and promising results.

In 2019, France24 made a remarkable report on the use of artemisia afra against malaria: "MALARIA BUSINESS". ( in french)

Professor Didier Raoult has often highlighted the results and experiences of African researchers, particularly in Dakar, Morocco and Algeria.

I share here with joy and infinite gratitude for the valuable information that is shared by naturopath Jean Pierre Willem on his site.

May he be thanked because it is difficult to find information on the COVID Organics program in the Western countries, as well as for his long-standing actions for local populations in Africa and India.

He is present in Madagascar with his association of "barefoot doctors" and worked for several years in Gabon, in Lambaréné at the beginning of his career, around Professor Schweizer, as well as in Rwanda.

The WHO had to agree to coordinate study and research programs on the efficacy of certain plants in the traditional pharmacopoeia, in particular for antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-infective purposes.

as :

-artemisia afra and ravintsara

As Naturopath healer Jean-Pierre Willem writes on his blog :

" Malagasy experts have persisted in their research and today their curative CVO+ remedy from Artemisia annua (improved version of Covid Organics) is undergoing a clinical trial. Extracts of this plant with antiviral properties are dosed for each capsule with 150 mg of artemisinin, 3.3 mg of flavonoid extract, 4 mg of terpene extract.

There is also 7.1 mg of Ravintsara essential oil. The trial is in phase 3, randomized double-blind, as required by the protocol. After two weeks of treatment on 338 patients with Covid, the results indicate that curative CVO+ is “87.1% effective for the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19”. This is how this experiment is officially supervised by the WHO, which sent its experts on site to examine this data and issue an independent scientific opinion. The product is now sent and prescribed in many African countries.

Madagascar has become the pioneer in African clinical trials focused on traditional medicine.

And it is not the only African country to carry out such work.

In Kenya

This country is waiting for subsidies to start standard trials. At the same time, pharmacologists are taking initiatives. This is how two traditional medicine products were formulated and authorized specifically to treat Covid-19.

(Antivir-H) is an antiviral whose composition is kept secret, while IMB is an immune stimulant containing, among other things, moringa and garlic.

They were administered to one hundred infected patients and this synergistic treatment would have "very clearly improved the symptoms", according to Professor Francis Ndemo. This experiment will be extended to 1,800 Kenyan patients. What is the IMB formula?


- moringa olifeira called nebeday in West Africa

"Shrub 4 to 5 m high, with upright then drooping branches. The flowers are white with five unequal petals. The fruits are elongated siliques, which contain 7 to 20 winged, prismatic seeds.

The vernacular names of this tree vary according to the continents. In French-speaking Africa, the most general name is Nébéday, which is found more or less distorted and which would come from the English expression never die, “who never dies”.

The fruits and leaves used in food are rich in vitamin C (220 mg per 100 g). They also contain many amino acids (proteins) especially in the leaves. All parts of the plant are used.

Finally, three antibiotic substances have been discovered in the roots: pterygospermine, athomine, spirochine whose antibacterial spectra are very broad. Spirochina also acts as a cardiotonic.

The seeds eaten after drying taste like peanuts. But above all they can give an interesting oil, close to olive oil, which contains about 70% oleic acid. She is highly sought after.

As this tree is of fast growth (about 3 years after its plantation, it begins to give fruits), one could produce in great quantity this oil known internationally under the name of “oil of Ben”.

The purifying tree

The team of Professor Geoff Folkard, from the University of Leicester (Great Britain), has developed a water purification system that uses the active ingredients of Moringa oleifera seed. Crushed, moringa seeds disinfect the muddy water of a river or a backwater, which becomes drinkable within an hour. A hope for third world countries, which could cultivate this tree. Moringa has the triple advantage of growing in poor soil, without much care, and being productive quickly. Besides its seeds, it offers leaves and flowers rich in protein, vitamins A and C, calcium and iron."

" Not all countries are at the same stage. While Madagascar and Equatorial Guinea are completing their phase 3 clinical trials with results deemed encouraging, Burkina Faso has concluded its phase 2 trials on apivirine. This Beninese herbal medicine based on Dichrostachys glomerata or bell mimosa “confirms virological efficacy, with a positive evolution after three weeks of treatment on patients suffering from a moderate to mild form of Covid-19”, reports Professor Sylvin Ouedraogo , research director in pharmacology. In Ghana, the nibima plant (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta), used in the fight against malaria, is being tested in a phase 2 trial. The WHO also highlights Ghana where, since 2021, around fifty hospitals have been working with herbal therapists from universities."

"Mozambique is one of the poorest countries on the African continent. With one doctor per 25,000 inhabitants, it is understandable that most people mainly turn to healers or traditional healers. Faced with Covid-19, the authorities have therefore decided to fully integrate traditional medicine into the public health system by combining the taking of preventive cures: syrups made from garlic, onion and ginger and herbal teas made from lemon balm leaves, mango and mulberry. The University of Maputo and the local Ministry of Health have also jointly developed a new food supplement: Ekume, which contains green banana, sorghum, maize and millet flours and groundnuts. An ultra-protein mixture intended to “hasten the healing of Covid-19 patients in addition to other treatments”, according to the Directorate of Pharmacy of Mozambique."

"Research is in full swing: It favors anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious plants. Azadirachta indica (Neem) This plant is native to India. An alcoholic extract of leaves and trunk bark showed anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. Similarly, a freeze-dried aqueous extract of the leaves, given orally to rats, confirms this anti-inflammatory action. Boil 30 grams of leaves in a liter of water for half an hour. Drink half a liter a day. Crossopterix febrifuga The traditional indications, as the name of the species indicates, are fever, cough, bronchial affections thanks to the bark of the trunk and the roots. A patent filed in Italy (FORESTA) describes two products, crossoptins A and B, saponosides whose genin is oleanolic acid. These two substances have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mucolytic properties, which corresponds to the indications of influenza, coronavirus and bronchitis.

Guiera senegalensis

Nger in Wolof, geloki in Fulani, Kudembe in Bambara…

The Nger is considered the first plant in Senegal if we consider its widespread use and its many indications. It is used mainly as a cough suppressant and as a febrifuge. Hence its prescription as an antitussive and in inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. It is the leaves that are usually prescribed in the form of a decoction.

These indications are general in all the countries where this plant grows, from Senegal to northern Nigeria.

A cough syrup has been prepared from the leaves. The clinical study has been verified in children from 6 months to 6 years old and the antitussive action has proven to be excellent in 98% of cases (POUSSET).

Boil 50 grams of Nger leaves in 500 ml of water for half an hour. Filter and sweeten as desired. Drink by tablespoons for adults, coffee for children."

Results are expected very soon in the interest of local populations and people in many equatorial and tropical areas, and also in "western countries".

Let's be thankful and make tribute to Jean-Pierre Willem for his support and contribution and helpful action in Africa since 60 years.

He is happy to notice that essential oils represent in some African countries the "big antiviral artillery". and that his blog posts are read and exchanged in French-speaking countries:

He was involved in Africa, first in Gabon where he was the last assistant to Doctor Albert Schweitzer in Lambaréné, then chief medical officer on the Transgabonais.

In Rwanda where he did his military service in the Cooperation. He had the opportunity to stop a very disabling skin pathology inaccessible to allopathic medicine thanks to the use of essential oil of Eucalyptus radiata.

And in Madagascar with the presence of his association “barefoot doctors” (MAPN), "médecins aux pieds nus".

Thank you for your attention.

Western populations, obviously, have everything to gain too from the new global paradigm in terms of health, which sooner or later will emerge: multipolar, more open, tolerant and integrative of the best of technology, but also of the best of natural treasures. international standards and the different and complementary ancestral traditions of care and well-being.

Proportionally, this would represent at least a potential of 150,000 jobs in France and in our overseas territories, which also have exceptional ecosystems.

Below you will find the files on my site which summarize the properties of more than 300 species of medicinal plants. I continue to complete them each month.

Pharmacopée "occidentale" Aa-al



Lettres B-D

Lettres E-L

Lettres M-Q

Lettres R-Z

Pharmacopée "équatoriale/ internationale " A-B



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