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  • Photo du rédacteurOlivier Clamaron

Lonk-teih will always be Lonk-teih! the island of the White Lady, the keltiskr roots of Paris

Dernière mise à jour : 11 avr.

A historical-esoteric publication today, with exciting information, which if accurate, will awaken our collective memory. And complete our rare knowledge of this pre-Gallo-Roman period of oral tradition. In view of the few details that have come down to us, everyone should in any case have the right to be informed and to form one's own opinion, as the Gallic Norman Celtic Odinic heritage has been hidden. The Ile de la Cité and the Seine intramuros would be an artificial channel mounted on granite piles for 2,200 years.

Thanks to the site which I discovered recently while looking for information on the Odinic Lodge of Chartres following the viewing of one of the latest videos by Oleg de Normandie on the Odinic runic symbols present in Chambord. It also explains the ancient, Gallic and French "Parisian" Odino-Celtic past and mentions this lodge based in Chartres until the end of the 16th century: the ancestral organization which brought together the heirs of the druids, druidesses, Norman falas, the healers "ladies-touchers" as they were apparently called at the time, and the builders of Notre-Dame cathedrals in particular.

In the magazine Atlantis n° 252 of May 1969, Marcel Moreau publishes a letter from Maurice Guignard about the nature of the subsoil of the Ile de la Cité: “The stability of this subsoil rests on hundreds of granite piles planted in the 2nd century BC…

The Capétiens, the Valois and the Bourbons were not unaware of the artificial constitution of this Parisian subsoil. When they wanted to enlarge, embellish or clean up the capital, they consulted “the Wise men of Chartres”… Henri IV consulted Claude Guignard, brother of my grandfather Jean Guignard, then he tried in vain to appropriate the archives.

Indeed, by merging with the Christo-Odinic lodge, the Druidic lodge handed over to the archives a document in old proto-Celtic from Chartres on the construction of an immense sanctuary fortress in the middle of the great Lonk-Teih lake (Lutèce), on the site of the future Paris.

“This document was subsequently translated into French by the historian Rouillard de Chartres, but it disappeared from official circulation around 1760. They diverted the Marne to the North. Once partially dried out, the lake was planted with huge granite pilings. The whole thing was covered with unpointed slabs and brought back earth. The Seine was therefore enclosed in a fairly narrow channel. It is on this artificial ground that we built Paris…”. 2,500 years ago, Paris was a vast swamp (Lonk-Teih lake) with a northern Seine and a southern Seine.

The proto-Celtic engineers decided to raise the ground and channel the waters in the middle of which they made a sanctuary island. The artificial island of the City was originally called the island of the White Lady in reference to the great goddess.

We will also find the Celtic altar, known as the Nautes (the corporation of boatmen, traders, sailors of the river). One of the capitals of this altar represents the great God of the Celts, Esus.

Is it also for this reason that the coat of arms of Paris symbolically represents a vessel. In reference to the Parisii Nautes? Or in the boat of the Goddess of love and war, the great magician Isis-Inanna-Venus-Freya-Astarte-Ishtar-Aset-Tanit-Anat? "Queen of the skies, mistress of the worlds, the cosmic alchemist", associated with the constellation of Sirius-Sopdet, by the ancients, with the symbols of the cow and the bull, a star with 5 (7° chakra) or 8 branches .. We also find the 8 lines in the "star of Isis, mother core of the soul, lying ING rune, symbol of the heart chakra". If today, the ancient symbolism in the coat of arms has almost disappeared, this was not always the case. And the references were clearly Egyptian, for a few years under the first empire. Napoleon Bonaparte, passionate about Egypt, did he also have esoteric knowledge? Thanks to Yann for introducing me to Caroline Bright's book on goddesses including Aset-Ast (Isis in Greek). Thanks to Caroline Bright. His book: Volume 1 The Goddesses. little encyclopedia of goddesses. She explains the filiation between spirituality in Gaul with the cults brought by the Greek colonists, including that of Isis. According to her, until the 18th century, there was a large statue of Isis, on her boat in the church of Saint Germain des Pres and the motto of Paris Fluctuat nec Mergitur, "would recall the heroic navigation of the" followers of Horus ", survivors of Atlantis, and "the navigation of the initiates in the secrecy of the temples". According to some researchers, the ancient Gallic Parisii, would take their name from the goddess.

Sources : Atlantis,,� Extraits publié dans Morphéus n° 94

history, era of sixth sun - all files of my website are in french and english


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