Publication n°164
For millennia, it was one of the sacred plants, its name comes from the goddesses Artemis, and Isis probably too, and has long remained linked to women's health. But not only that, far from it, depending on whether people have been able to preserve and practice their ancestral knowledge.
It is part of the tarragon family and has an odor similar to that of wormwood.
The etymology should enlighten us today. Why could our ancestors have given the name of one of the most powerful goddesses to a plant?
Today, unfortunately, artemisia is also above all a symbol of the aberration of our health policy, because in Belgium and France, in fact, the public sale of artemisia vulgaris or annua, mugwort, is prohibited, but its cultivation is authorized, privately.
While it is very fertile, and does not need a lot of water, and above all it has the advantage of containing several hundred molecules, including 20 active ingredients against malaria.
Some of its major defenders such as the American infectious disease specialist Pamela Weathers, who has studied it for 30 years, counts 200, the activist agrotherapist Raphael Colicci and his wife Babeth, even announces 400.
Below, you will find links to some of their interview, in french though.
We are therefore discussing a plant which acts as a potentially extremely powerful polytherapy and which could help treat some of the most widespread diseases and improve the health of the population through prevention. As it has done in Asia and Africa for millennia, when people are not prevented from freely treating them.
Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines have known this very well, for at least 5000 years, since artemisia is considered a panacea, particularly in the form of moxas. Sticks of dried and crushed mugwort.
For example, in the Pen Tsao, the oldest collection of pharmacopoeia in China.
"Moxibustion is an ancestral thermotherapy, which predates acupuncture, with needles.
It consists of stimulating certain acupuncture points with heat. It is said in China that the heat produced by burning mugwort not only warms the body's meridians, balances the body's vital energy, chases away cold and internal humidity, improves blood circulation, but thanks to its unique properties strengthen the immune system and can treat a large number of diseases.
Just as it is also used for prevention, to maintain good health.
The overall action is a multiplication of white blood cells. A study by Dr. S.Hara and Aochi in Japan showed that white blood cells were multiplied several times during moxibustion sessions. White blood cells destroy bacteria as they enter the body.
The Chinese have always used moxa to treat tumors and bacterial infections.
Under the effect of moxibustion, the hypodermal protein is transformed into histotoxin, which, in addition to the essential oils contained in moxa, contribute to the multiplication of white blood cells and a slight alkalization of the blood. Alkalized blood and increased white blood cell counts help prevent infections and help .
The success of moxibustion also comes from its simplicity and the fact that the patient can also learn to practice it on their own.
In the book "Health through moxibustion" by Dr. Li, a hospital doctor in Shanghai, we can read: that moxibustion can treat a large number of pathologies.
It is only not recommended in cases of fever, hypertension or undernutrition. This is regarding moxibustion. Because, in herbal teas, for example, mugwort is effective in many infections.
Dr. Li cites in particular its usefulness for the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervicarthrosis, rheumatoid neuralgia, low back pain and chronic skelalgia of any origin, stomach diseases, diarrhea, irregular periods, male sterility tt feminine."
I have been practicing moxibustion since 2012 on my clients and on myself.
I am also convinced that it is this self-care that allowed me to emerge from my burnout in 2019.
I also specify that I share on my site, part of my knowledge in moxibustion, in the “inner fire” section.
Those who would prefer to be accompanied can also contact me in Paris.
Interview with Raphaël Colicci on youtube in french :
04 67 44 73 99 - Chemin de la Bruyère des Salces - F 34700 Saint Privat
report: Le Monde Afrique June 2020 on artemisia
In my family, which has partly farming roots, the first thing people told me about mugwort was that farmers don't like it very much, because mugwort often invades the fields.
This shows its potential for cultivation, if only we did it in a positive way.
It helps to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the liver; it is known to treat in particular fevers, viral and pulmonary infections, including malaria in herbal tea in 48 hours, fevers, lyme disease, inflammation of the esophagus, gastritis. Artemisia also reduces acidity along the digestive tract and acts on intestinal worms.
It is traditionally used massively in Asia and Africa: artemisia afra.
It is no coincidence that the moxas of Traditional Chinese Medicine are made of dry mugwort.
TCM sites are one of the rare ways to obtain it in dried form in France currently.
It is reputed to have given the advantage to the Viet Kong troops during the Vietnam War, who had been advised by Chinese naturopaths of its benefits.
It is also known to combat fatigue, epilepsy, menstrual and menopausal disorders, anemia, herpes, hepatitis Bet C, Sarscov of 2003, thanks among other things to its high zinc content. , quercetin, with its anti-androgenic properties and one of its main molecules, isolated in 1972, by the Chinese researcher YouyouTu (Nobel Prize 2015), artemisinin.
In this area, I also recommend the excellent report from France24: Malaria business from January 2019 in french
It is used internally as an emmenagogue, to regulate or induce periods and during menopause.
For external use, mugwort baths are renowned for treating rheumatism.
It was reputed to protect against harmful influences, insects and moths and was used, smoked, for prophecies and divination by the Druids, then later the Christian tradition preserved it and it was burned in the fires of Saint John to to bring good luck.
The leaves have also sometimes been used as a substitute for tobacco.
Other indications are brought to us by the Native Americans of Canada, who use it a lot, in infusion or in inhalation, to treat colds, coughs and respiratory illnesses. They also use it as an enema or poultice for wounds, skin irritations and infections, blisters, strains, lesions and swelling, and as a bath for rheumatism, arthritis and muscle pain.
Several species are also burned during ceremonies as fumigation or protective incense.
More than 20 species are native to Canada and many are used as medicines. Some are even considered too powerful for internal use.
In gardens, it has a reputation for repelling slugs, rodents and snails and it can be used in manure for this purpose and as a fungicide.
Even the Jardin des Plantes confirms its numerous and ancient properties.
Do not confuse it with ragweed which is allergenic (green leaves on the bottom) while mugwort is green above and silver below.
It is not recommended in cases of pregnancy and breastfeeding and its consumption should remain moderate.
I am happy to also share the very optimistic information from naturopath Jean-Pierre Willem from February 2022 about the therapeutic trials underway in Madagascar and Equatorial Guinea which were in phase 3, double-blind randomized, coordinated by the WHO, with very promising results which should be confirmed in early 2023.
On artemisia afra "Malagasy experts have persisted in their research and today their CVO+ curative remedy from Artemisia annua (improved version of Covid Organics) is the subject of a clinical trial. Extracts of this plant with antiviral properties are dosed for each capsule 150 mg of artemisinin, 3.3 mg of flavonoid extract, 4 mg of terpene extract. There is also 7.1 mg of Ravintsara essential oil.
The trials are in phase 3, randomized and double-blind, as required by the protocol in Equatorial Guinea and Madagascar.
In the latter country, after two weeks of treatment on 338 patients with Covid, the results indicate that curative CVO+ is “87.1% effective for the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19”.
If you are interested, you can also contact the associations:
-La maison de l'artemisia"-20 rue pierre Demours-75017 Paris, organized by the teams of Lucile Cornet Vernet.
And those of the 130 houses of artemisia, and their partners in 28 countries who organize training and the development of the artemisia sectors. culture and act in favor of this family of exceptional plants.
In Miami, Caracas Venezuela, Tunis, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Comoros, Madagascar, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Luanda, Bangui, Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast , Guinea, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Bamako, Mali, Burkina, Thailand, Denpasar Indonesia.
Artemisia is one of the most powerful plants in the pharmacopoeia, since it is present on many, if not all, continents.
But we have so many plants that deserve to be looked at and used for their properties and active ingredients, other than in the form of artificially recreated chemical molecules.
Nine files with 300 medicinal plants classified by french alphabetical order
Pharmacopée Aa-al
Lettres B-D
Lettres E-L
Lettres M-Q
Lettres R-Z
Each day i am using magnesium chlorure, acerola, pure cocoa, non raffinated organic salt, curcuma, ginder, cayenne pepper, green tea.
In my opinion, the initiatives of Jean Pierre Willem, one of our great naturopaths, who has shared and still shares so much, in the field, since the 60s with Dr. Schweitzer, in his books, interviews, his blog,
an aromatherapist of international level, who again caused a sensation, with his publication about Alzheimer's, a great humanist, creator of the association "barefoot doctors"; and those of Lucile Cornet Vernet and her 130 artemisia houses across Africa and the world, are quite the pioneers of what the new “Francafrique” should be and the way in which we should exchange, share , shine together, with other cultures.
Heal and strengthen us.
thank you Namaste
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